with Dr. Allan Abbas & Tami Chelew

Course Outline
A new IEDTA Core Training program in ISTDP will begin in May 2023 with Dr. Allan Abbass and Tami Chelew. This IEDTA Core Training is ideal for those who would like to grow and deepen their clinical understanding and skills in ISTDP in a safe, small-group supportive setting. Training will meet online four times a year for two consecutive days; the dates and times are listed below.
As a member of this IEDTA Core Training, you will enjoy complimentary access to the online attendance of 2 ISTDP San Diego Immersions per year led by Allan Abbass; held in December and June. Each ISTDP San Diego Immersion is 3 days in duration: giving the opportunity of an additional 6 days per year to continue to witness Allan’s clinical work and deepen your understanding and learning of ISTDP.
We believe this included benefit of complimentary access to our ISTDP San Diego Immersions will bring added value to your learning process over the next 3 years with us. If you complete the 3 years program, you will be recognized as completing an IEDTA Certified Core Training.
This 3-year training program provides detailed training on ISTDP meta-psychology theory; how to implement the standard format of ISTDP with low resistant to high resistant patients; and how to implement the graded format of ISTDP for repression and fragility patients.
Training blocks will involve didactic teaching, practice exercises, and supervision of the clinical work of trainees. Teaching will involve the extensive use of video-recorded therapy sessions. There will be a maximum of 12 trainees. At each training block, trainees are expected to present a tape of their work for consultation. Each trainee will have a minimum of 45 minutes of individual consultation per training block.
This IEDTA Core Training will be co-led by Dr. Allan Abbass and Tami Chelew, each of whom will provide 2 training blocks per year.
The dates and times for the 2023 training blocks will be Monday and Tuesday:
7am-3pm PST, 10-6pm EST, 11-7pm AST, 4pm-midnight CET
May 15-16
July 10-11
September 11-12
Feb 5-6 2024
Fees & Payment
To make this more financially accessible, we are offering an option to pay for each 2-Day Block of $1,187.50 USD separately, with a 3-year commitment in good faith. Complimentary access will be given to the 2 ISTDP San Diego Immersions. Payment is to be made via PayPal. Please click on Friends and Family to not incur service fees to Tami Chelew through tamichelew@gmail.com. We will send you a PayPal Request the week before each block for those paying per block. Those that wish to pay annually, may do so. For US citizens we are happy to provide a W-9 for tax purposes. We are happy to provide a receipt for those who request one.
Training Agreement
The ISTDP San Diego Core Training Program in ISTDP is a 3-year course for health professionals or those in training at an institution of higher education. I understand that I am registering to participate in a 3-year IEDTA Core Training with a commitment to pay for each year of training in full according to the fee schedule listed above. This fee is non-refundable once paid. For the duration of my participation in the training program, I will retain my professional registration as a healthcare professional or student and agree to inform the trainers of any change in this status.
Trainees are expected to follow the ethical standards of practice as outlined by their respective licensing boards and/or Universities. This includes an agreement to keep all clinical information presented during training blocks strictly confidential. I understand that under no circumstances is recording of any of the training content permitted. Trainees may record their individual supervision with permission, purely for their own learning and not to be shared. Trainees are responsible for securely deleting all recordings by the end of the program or before if requested. The course trainers agree to provide a clinical case consultation at each training block for the trainees’ learning purposes. I understand that as a practicing clinician, I am solely responsible for the clinical care I provide to patients.
At the end of this IEDTA 3-year Core Training program, participants will have completed a minimum of eleven blocks of individual case consultation and didactic teaching and will be provided a certification of completion of training. To satisfy this requirement, participants may choose to continue training to supplement missed sessions.
To register for this Core Training. Print out the attached registration form, sign and email Tami Chelew at TamiChelew@gmail.com
Core Training Registration Form Link
Register Early as space if limited!