What is ISTDP
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a unique form of psychodynamic treatment that facilitates the rapid resolution of a broad spectrum of emotional disorders. It is an evidence-based psychotherapy that is strongly supported by current clinical research studies.
Matt and Tami are both in private practice locally in San Diego. You can find out more about their practices by visiting their websites:
Learn More:
Visit these valuable ISTDP resources: ReachingThroughResistance.com
We welcome you to
ISTDP San Diego!
We are passionate ISTDP practitioners practicing here in San Diego, California.
If you are a licensed or associate therapist, we invite you to come explore what ISTDP is all about and consider joining the community
We hope this website will be a resource for anyone interested in learning more about ISTDP, deepening their skills to be a part of this growing community

San Diego’s ISTDP Community
As ISTDP grows in San Diego, California, we want to create a community site to help promote upcoming ISTDP events and to keep the therapy community informed on what’s happening here locally and around the world.
Past ISTDP San Diego Evants
Jun, 2023: Dr. Abbass, 3-Day Immersions, “Treatment Resistant Depression“
Sep, 2023: Dr. Neborsky, “Overcoming Treatment-Reistance with Attachment-Based ISTDP”
Dec, 2023: Dr. Abbass, 3-Day Immersions “Personality Disorders”

Upcoming Evants!

Friday, January 19, 2024:
Online Replay with Live Presentatoins:
Dr. David Malan Memorial Conference:

Friday, March 8, 2024:
A Couples Healing Journey
with Tami Chelew,
“Applying ISTDP with Couples”

Wednesday June 5- June 7, 2024
Dr. Allan Abbass
“Navigating & Surfing the Rough Waters of Termination in ISTDP”
Eventbrite Link
December 9-11, 2024
Dr. Allan Abbass’s
3 Day Immersion. Topic to be determined
ISTDP Core Training
With Dr. Allan Abbass and Tami Chelew, starting in May 2023:
Details and registration below:
!! Core Training Update – Our Core Training is currently full.
If you are interested in a future offering, please email Tami.
Ways to learn
Stay informed about upcoming ISTDP trainings with current leaders in this unique form of therapy. Join our mailing list by emailing us at istdpsandiego@gmail.com